Your Life in Weeks

Create a map of your life with each week as a little box.

A screenshot of Life in Weeks

“Sometimes life seems really short, and other times it seems impossibly long. But this chart helps to emphasize that it’s most certainly finite. Those are your weeks and they’re all you’ve got.”

Wait But Why
Tim Urban Wait But Why

In 2014, blogger Tim Urban, published a post called "Your Life in Weeks," where he introduced the concept of visualizing your life as a series of little squares, with each one representing a week. It's a powerful, concise way to visualize an entire life.

This site helps you create one of those visualizations for yourself. You can use it to track key events in your life, see the progress you've made over time, and set goals for the time ahead.

I built this app after seeing Gina Tripani's interpretation of the idea, and realizing I wanted one for myself. And then I thought, well, if I want one maybe other people do too.

If you'd like to see what you can build, check out my own life in weeks (still a work in progress).

Want your own life timeline? Create one in minutes.